作品集 2011有余 I've had twelve years to think about it. And if I had it to do over again, I would have grabbed the phaser and pointed it at you instead of them. 建案名稱| 有余完工年份| 2011建議地區| 台北市中山區基地位置| 長安東路一段30巷8弄7號諮詢專線| 結案營造團隊| 震昌工程設計團隊| 周泰良個案類型| 成屋建築用途| 住宅建案樓層| 11F/B2建案戶數| 10戶建案坪數| 50坪建案房型| 3房車位形式| 坡道機械基地面積| 109坪 Previous Post 2008青田若隱 Next Post 2012城品